Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nam Naadu - MGR - Classic movie - Watch online for free

Movie: Nam Naadu
cast: MGR. Sridevi, Pandharibai
Director: Jambulingam
Release Year: 1969
Language: Tamil

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

The story is really nice and narrated in a simple manner.And unlike today's superstars ,MGR plays a simple down-to-earth man who works as an honest clerk in the mayor's office.For the mayoral election;when political bigwigs of a party fight among themselves for being in race for the mayoral elections;they bring MGR as a compromise candidate;since he is handsome and has a reputation of being very honest. But when he wins ;he does not behave like their puppet and even tries to arrest them for being corrupt.But being a novice;he easily gets trapped into their hands.Forced to resign;his brother tells him that those three are like God and don't harm them.When the elder brother too realises that they are corrupt;he too gets trapped for he knew their true intentions.Now;it's for MGR to prove that he is innocent and that those three are frauds.

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