Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Kallori - Tamanna - DVD quality - Watch online, Download

Movie: Kallori
Cast: Tamanna, Akil, Visu
Music: Joshuva Sridhar
Director: Balaji Shakthivel
Release Year: 2007
Language: Tamil

kallori DVD quality movie - Veoh server

TO WATCH THE FULL MOVIE DOWNLOAD VEHO TV PLAYER IT IS FREE.. DOWNLOAD NOW After you have downloaded just click on the movie screen, where it says ( WATCH ON VEOH TV ) And it will load on your video TV, Full Movie

The film begins in a bus that has a lot of college students heading towards Government Arts College in a small town. A set of friends are introduced as long term friends. There is a small build up to the introduction of the hero (Muthu played by newcomer Akil), who is part and parcel of the circle. All are studying in the same class. They enter into the college for the first time.

In the class room they see a new girl (Shobhana played by Tamanna), who is strikingly different from the lot. She looks fair. She looks sad. She is aloof. The group sympathizes for her and brings her into its fold. The girl soon becomes part and parcel of the group.

The movie goes on to narrate the college life with fun and colour. It shows the strength of the friendship besides showing the backgrounds of the friends. Most of them are from poor background. The protagonist has an aim in his life. Being an athlete, he wants to excel in sports and get a good job through sports quota to give his poor family a new lease of life.

Shobhana, a rich girl from an upper caste feels for the boy and helps him achieve his goal. In fact every friend does the same thing but Shobhana does it with some sort of special attachment. Slowly love develops in the minds of both but they chose to put it on the back seat for the sake of the larger friendship they share with the group. In fact the poor lovers don’t even share their feelings.

The narration moves on to a point when they are compelled by the circumstances to come out with their feelings but life has some other designs.

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