Saturday, July 5, 2008

Vivek Comedy - Watch, Download

Vivek Comedies list

Vivek is one of the leading comedian in Tamil film industry. Vivek is more of a satirist than a slapstick comedian. His jokes are casual and makes people think about the problem and the conclusion. His comedies are mostly exciting and entertaining. Sometimes, people in Tamil Nadu watch movies because of comedies and the one and only good example is Vivek. His movies draw humor from scenes of daily life in Tamil Nadu (especially Chennai) and the surrounding regions. His jokes often relate to serious subjects, such as bribery, over-population, and political corruption among other things. He is more conscientious and his comedy has more serious undertones than that of his contemporaries.

1 comment:

  1. this collection of comedy is worth watching
    humor brings out tiredness and brings in happiness - a stress reliever particularly vivek's comedy also kindles thoughts
